
Tagesspiegel: Plastic Production Could Double by 2050: How Dangerous is it for the Climate?

Livia Cabernard stresses the need to change consumption habits alongside accelerating the transition to renewable energies.

Plastic production is on an exponential rise and could double by 2050, posing significant climate risks. Researchers from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory warn that by mid-century, global emissions from plastic production could triple, consuming one-fifth of the remaining carbon budget. Currently responsible for 5% of global carbon emissions, plastic production must be radically reformed.

Henning Wilts from the Wuppertal Institute calls for a radical shift towards essential uses and efficient recycling systems, emphasizing that the industry alone cannot achieve this. Livia Cabernard stresses the need to change consumption habits alongside accelerating the transition to renewable energies. Andreas Köhler from the Öko-Institut highlights the underestimated CO₂ impact of plastic waste, suggesting that reducing consumption and increasing recycling are key, though recycling is not a perfect solution. The UN Plastics Treaty is crucial for setting a binding framework to manage this challenge.


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