
Participation in Science Slam School of Life Science

Veronika took part in the Science Slam Contest of the School of Life Science. With a slam on "A burger speaks out: Unveiling the Environmental Impact of Agriculture and Biodiversity" she depicted the impact of our food system on biodiversity.

Participants of the Science Slam: Korbinian Tartler (Restoration Ecology), Simone Göppert (Protein Modelling), Veronika Schlosser, (Sustainability Assessment of Food and Agricultural Systems), Ulrike Vogt (Brewing and Beverage Technology) (from left to right) (Image: L. Cabernard)

The TUM School of Life Sciences was buzzing with excitement as researchers and scientists gathered for a dynamic Science Slam event. Also Veronika, a PhD student from our chair also took part.

Her presentation, titled "A Burger Speaks Out: Unveiling the Environmental Impact of Agriculture and Biodiversity," creatively depicted the journey of a burger from farm to plate. This inventive approach was both engaging and educational, highlighting the significant environmental footprint of meat consumption.

Key Points:

  • Whimsical Scenario: Veronika used a talking burger to narrate its origins, guiding the audience through its global journey.
  • From the butcher to cattle Farms in Germany: Emphasized the environmental impacts of intensive farming on local ecosystems.
  • Transportation and Processing: Highlighted the carbon emissions and resource use in shipping soybeans to Europe.
  • Soy Fields in Brazil: The journey ends with the deforestation and biodiversity loss due to soybean plantations for cattle feed.

Calculating the Footprint:

  • Veronika explained the burger's environmental footprint using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), including goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, and impact assessment.

The presentation concluded with solutions like reducing meat consumption, buying local products, and supporting sustainable farming.