- Linked Employer–Employee Data from XING and the Mannheim Enterprise Panel. Journal of Economics and Statistics, 2024 mehr…
- Location factors and ecosystem embedding of sustainability-engaged blockchain companies in the US. A web-based analysis. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2), 2024, 100287 mehr…
- Local Networks and New Business Formation. SSRN Electronic Journal, 2024 mehr…
- Das Gründungsgeschehen in Deutschland. Wirtschaftsdienst 104 (1), 2024, 64-66 mehr…
- Welcome on Board? Appointment Dynamics of Women as Directors. In: Discussion Paper Nr. 23-005. ZEW, Mannheim, 2023 mehr…
- Founder Personality and Start-up Subsidies. In: Discussion Paper Nr. 23-008. ZEW, Mannheim, 2023 mehr…
- Founder Personality and Start-up Subsidies. Industry and Innovation 31 (2), 2023, 241-270 mehr…
- Welcome on Board? Appointment Dynamics of Women as Directors. Journal of Business Ethics, 2023 mehr…
- Mapping Employee Mobility and Employer Networks Using Professional Network Data. SSRN Electronic Journal, 2023 mehr…
- Big Data and Start-up Performance. SSRN Electronic Journal, 2023 mehr…
- Technology Mapping Using WebAI: The Case of 3D Printing. arXiv:2201.01125 , 2022, mehr…
- Green Start-Ups and the Role of Founder Personality. 2022, mehr…
- Financing constraints for innovation. In: Elgar Encyclopedia on the Economics of Knowledge and Innovation . Elgar Online, 2022, 153-156 mehr…
- Research and development subsidies. In: Elgar Encyclopedia on the Economics of Knowledge and Innovation . Elgar Online, 2022, 420-424 mehr…
- Green Start-ups and the Role of Founder Personality. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 2022 mehr…
- Division of labor in R&D? Firm size and specialization in corporate research. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 194, 2022, 1-23 mehr…
- What’s Behind Multiple Institutional Affiliations in Academia? ZEW Discussion Paper No. 21-035, Mannheim, 2021, mehr…
- Imaginary carrot or effective fertiliser? A rejoinder on funding and productivity. Scientometrics, 2021 mehr…
- The Value of Research Funding for Knowledge Creation and Dissemination: A study of SNSF Research Grants. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 8, 2021, 217 mehr…
- What’s behind multiple institutional affiliations in academia? Science and Public Policy, 2021 mehr…
- The Rise of Multiple Institutional Affiliations in Academia. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 72 (8), 2021, 1039-1058 mehr…
- Multipler Wettbewerb im Hochschulsystem – Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven und wissenschaftspolitische Implikationen. Das Hochschulwesen 03-2021, 2021 mehr…
- Founder Personality and Start-up Subsidies. Founder Personality and Start-up Subsidies, 2021 mehr…
- Start-up subsidies and the sources of venture capital. Journal of Business Venturing Insights 16, 2021, e00272 mehr…
- What’s Behind Multiple Institutional Affiliations in Academia? SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021 mehr…
- The Socialization of Doctoral Students in the Emergence of Structured Doctoral Education in Germany. In: Socialization in Higher Education and the Early Career: Theory, Research and Application. Springer, 2020, 266-314 mehr…
- Beschränktes Alkoholverkaufsverbot in Baden- Württemberg: wirksames Gesetz abgeschafft. Wirschaftsdienst - Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik 100 (1), 2020, 60-63 mehr…
- Start-up subsidies: Does the policy instrument matter? Research Policy 49 (1), 2020, 103888 mehr…
- Research at the Frontier of Knowledge: Comparing text similarity indicators to citations for measuring scientific excellence. Research at the Frontier of Knowledge: Comparing text similarity indicators to citations for measuring scientific excellence, 2020 mehr…
- Women on the Board and Executive Tenure. Managerial and Decision Economics 40, 2019, 741– 760 mehr…
- Public Research and the Innovation Performance of New Technology Based Firms. The Journal of Technology Transfer 44 (2), 2019, 326–358 mehr…
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- Public subsidies and new ventures’ use of bank loans. Economics of Innovation and New Technology 27, 2018, 786-808 mehr…
- What’s the price of academic consulting? Effects of public and private sector consulting on academic research. Industrial and Corporate Change 27 (4), 2018, 699–722 mehr…
- A first look at multiple institutional affiliations: a study of authors in Germany, Japan and the UK. Scientometrics 111 (1), 2017, 285–295 mehr…
- Fishing for Complementarities: Research Grants and Research Productivity. International Journal of Industrial Organization 51 (1), 2017, 1-38 mehr…
- Direct and Cross-Scheme Effects in a Research and Development Subsidy Program. Research Policy 46 (6), 2017, 1118-1132 mehr…
- Inter-Organizational Collaboration and Financing Constraints for R&D. Economics Letters 161, 2017, 15-18 mehr…
- Flying the nest: how the home department shapes researchers’ career paths. Studies in Higher Education 42 (6), 2017, 1091-1109 mehr…
- Tax Enforcement and Corporate Profit Shifting. Applied Economics Letters 24 (3), 2017, 902-905 mehr…
- Wie Frauen in Aufsichtsräten die Corporate Governance verändern. DICE Policy Brief, 2016, mehr…
- Higher Prices, Higher Quality? Evidence From German Nursing Homes. DICE Discussion Paper No. 208 (Düsseldorf) , 2016, mehr…
- Organisational Change and the Productivity Effects of Green Technology Adoption. DICE Discussion Paper No. 206 (Düsseldorf) , 2016, mehr…
- Higher prices, higher quality? Evidence from German nursing homes. Health Policy 120 (2), 2016, 179-189 mehr…
- Organisational change and the productivity effects of green technology adoption. Resource and Energy Economics 43, 2016, 172-194 mehr…
- R&D Partnerships and Innovation Performance: Can There Be too Much of a Good Thing? Journal of Product Innovation Management 33 (6), 2016, 773–794 mehr…
- Patents as quality signals? The implications for financing constraints on R&D. Economics of Innovation and New Technology 25 (3), 2016, 183-334 mehr…
- Women on the Board and Executive Duration – Evidence for European Listed Firms. DICE Discussion Paper No. 178 (Düsseldorf) , 2015, mehr…
- R&D Subsidies and Firms’ Cost of Debt. DICE Discussion Paper No. 201 (Düsseldorf) , 2015, mehr…
- What’s the Price of Consulting? Effects of Public and Private Sector Consulting on Academic Research. DICE Discussion Paper No. 212 (Düsseldorf) , 2015, mehr…
- Flying the Nest: How the Home Department Shapes Researchers’ Career Paths. DICE Discussion Paper No 153 (Düsseldorf) , 2015, mehr…
- Policy-Induced Environmental Technology and Inventive Efforts: Is There a Crowding Out? Industry and Innovation 22 (5), 2015, 375-401 mehr…
- Quantity or quality? Knowledge alliances and their effects on patenting. Industrial and Corporate Change 24 (5), 2015, 981-1011 mehr…
- Wie staatliche Förderung privater Forschung und Entwicklung wirkt. DICE Policy Brief, 2014, mehr…
- Climate-Related Innovations, Crowding Out, and Their Impact on Competitiveness. ZEW Mannheim, 2014, mehr…
- Patents as Quality Signals: The Implications for Financing R&D. NBER Working Paper No. 19947 (Cambridge, MA) , 2014, mehr…
- Direct and Cross-Scheme Effects in a Research and Development Subsidy Programme. DICE Discussion Paper No. 152 (Düsseldorf) , 2014, mehr…
- R&D Partnerships and Innovation Performance: Can There be too Much of a Good Thing? DICE Discussion Paper No 154. (Düsseldorf) , 2014, mehr…
- (International) R&D collaboration and SMEs: The effectiveness of targeted public R&D support schemes. Research Policy 43, 2014, 1055-1066 mehr…
- Research Grants, Sources of Ideas and the Effects on Academic Research. Economics of Innovation and New Technology 23 (2), 2014, 109-133 mehr…
- Fishing for Complementarities: Competitive Research Funding and Research Productivity. DICE Discussion Paper No. 129 (Düsseldorf) , 2013, mehr…
- Policy-Induced Environmental Technology and Inventive Efforts: Is There a Crowding Out? DICE Discussion Paper No. 128 (Düsseldorf) , 2013, mehr…
- Collaborative R&D as a Strategy to Attenuate Financing Constraints. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 12-049 (Mannheim) , 2012, mehr…
- Research Grants, Sources of Ideas and the Effects on Academic Research. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 12-048 (Mannheim) , 2012, mehr…
- Quantity or Quality? Collaboration Strategies in Research and Development and Incentives to Patent. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 12-047 (Mannheim) , 2012, mehr…
- (International) R&D Collaboration and SMEs: The Effectiveness of Targeted Public R&D Support Schemes. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 12-086 (Mannheim) , 2012, mehr…
- Green Innovations and Organizational Change: Making Better Use of Environmental Technology. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 12-043 (Mannheim) , 2012, mehr…
- The Role of Research Orientation for Attracting Competitive Research Funding. In: International Handbook Series on Entrepreneurship. Springer, 2012, 35-49 mehr…
- The Role of Research Orientation for Attracting Competitive Research Funding. In: International Handbook Series on Entrepreneurship. Springer, 2012 mehr…
- Innovative Capability and Financing Constraints for Innovation: More Money, More Innovation? Review of Economics and Statistics 94, 2012, 1126-1142 mehr…
- The Role of Research Orientation for Attracting Competitive Research Funding. FBE Research Report (MSI 1104) (Leuven) , 2011, mehr…
- Industry Funding of University Research and Scientific Productivity. Kyklos 64, 2011, 534-555 mehr…
- Financial Constraints: Routine Versus Cutting Edge R&D Investment. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 20, 2011, 121-157 mehr…
- R&D investment and financing constraints of small and medium-sized firms. Small Business Economics 36, 2011, 65-83 mehr…
- Industrial research versus development investment: the implications of financial constraints. Cambridge Journal of Economics 35, 2011, 527-544 mehr…
- Financing Constraints for Industrial Innovation: What do we Know? FBE Research Report (MSI 1004) (Leuven) , 2010, mehr…
- Industry Funding of University Research and Scientific Productivity. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-105 (Mannheim) , 2010, mehr…
- Financing Constraints for Industrial Innovation: What do we know? Review of Business and Economic Literature 55 (3), 2010 mehr…
- Financing constraints for industrial innovation: What do we know? European Commission, Expert Group on Impacts of R&D Tax Incentives (Brussels) , 2009, mehr…
- Industrial Research versus Development Investment: The Implications of Financial Constraints. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 09-049 (Mannheim) , 2009, mehr…
- Innovative Capability and Financing Constraints for Innovation More Money, More Innovation? ZEW Discussion Paper No. 09-081 (Mannheim) , 2009, mehr…
- Innovatie-Inspanningen van Vlaamse Ondernemingen: Kernresultaten van de CIS 2007-Enquete. In: Vlaams Indicatorenboek Wetenschap, Technologie en Innovatie 2009. Vlaamse Overheid , 2009, 117-128 mehr…
- Are Local Milieus the Key to Innovation Performance? Journal of Regional Science 49, 2009, 81-112 mehr…
Prof. Dr. Hanna Hottenrott

Raum: 0505.02.518
Telefon: +49 (89) 289 - 28148
E-Mail: hanna.hottenrott[at]tum.de
Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung
Wissenschaftliche Laufbahn
Prof. Hottenrott beschäftigt sich in Forschung und Lehre mit Themen aus den Bereichen der Industrieökonomik und der angewandten Mikroökonomie. Dabei stehen unter anderem Fragen der Innovations- und Wissenschaftsökonomik sowie des technologischen Wandels im Mittelpunkt. Seit April 2023 leitet sie zudem den Forschungsbereich für Innovationsökonomik und Unternehmensdynamik am Leibniz Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW).
Nach ihrem Studium der Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, war sie von 2006 bis 2010 als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Forschungsbereich "Managerial Economics, Strategy and Innovation" an der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Katholischen Universität Leuven (KU Leuven) in Belgien tätig. Dort forschte sie insbesondere zur Finanzierung von Forschung und Entwicklung (F&E) in Unternehmen. Im Anschluss beschäftigte sie sich als Stipendiatin der Flämischen Forschungsgemeinschaft (FWO) mit Fragen der Innovationspolitik und der staatlichen F&E-Förderung.
Im Jahr 2013 folgte sie einem Ruf auf eine Juniorprofessur für Industrieökonomik an das Institut für Wettbewerbsökonomie (DICE) der Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf bevor sie im Mai 2016 an die TUM School of Management kam. Darüber hinaus ist Prof. Hottenrott Core Member des Munich Data Science Institute.
- Innovationsökonomik
- Wissenschaftsökonomie
- Industrieökonomik
- Technologiepolitische Maßnahmen
- Angewandte Ökonometrie