Research focus on forest and health

Cooperation between LMU and TUM in the field of "Forests and Health

In March 2018, the Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy at the Technical University of Munich under the direction of Prof. Dr. Dr. Michael Suda established a research cooperation with the Department of Medical Climatology under the direction of Prof. Dr. Dr. A. Schuh at the Chair of Public Health and Health Care Research (IBE) of the LMU Munich. The aim of the cooperation is to work together in the field of "Forest and Health". Coordinated research and development projects will form the basis for evidence-based cooperation in order to put the topic on a solid and scientifically sound footing. In addition, joint publications, conferences and further training courses will further investigate the topic.



Research projects

Current projects

Completed projects

  • The therapeutic contribution of forests to rehabilitation clinics in Bavaria | Time frame: 15.11.17 to 30.08.18


Publications and presentations


Friedmann, L.; Gaggermeier, A.; Suda (2019): Wälder in der Therapie - Wie die Heilkraft der Wälder künftig an Kliniken zum Einsatz kommen könnte. In: LWF aktuell 1/2019, S. 6-10

Friedmann, L.; Gaggermeier, A.; Suda, M.;Schreiber, R.; Schuh, A.; Immich; G. (2018): Die Heilkraft des Waldes. Warum der Wald uns Menschen so gut tut. In: LWF aktuell 4/2018, S. 38-41

Friedmann, L.; Gaggermeier, A.; Suda, M.;Schreiber, R. (2018): Dr. Wald, Waldmedizin und Heilwald. Deutscher Waldbesitzer 04/2018, S. 24-25


Suda, M.; Gaggermeier. A. (2019): Wald - ein grüne Menschenfreude. Eine Performance. 1. Berliner Stadt-Wald-Kongress. 18.11.2019. Berlin

Gaggermeier, A. (2019): Von der Erholung zur therapeutischen Nutzung des Waldes. Wald und Gesundheit, 2. LWF-Waldpädagogik-Forum, 29.05.2019, Walderlebniszentrum Tennenlohe

Friedmann, L.; Gaggermeier, A. (2019): Von der Erholung zur therapeutischen Nutzung des Waldes. Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, "Wald und Gesundheit", Tagung zu Wald Forst Holz,15. - 17. Februar 2019, Tutzing