Current Bachelor and Master thesis research topics at the Chair Group of Production and Resource Economics
Note: The thesis research work can be written either in English or German. Research works will be supervised by the academic staff at the Chair Group. Interested students in a given topic can contact Dr. Getachew Abate Kassa ( for further information on thesis research procedure and supervision assignments. Following are topics that are currently available for BSc and MSc thesis research at the Chair Group.
Thesis topics offered in cooperation with the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in Cali, Colombia
- Qualitative assessment of adoption factors for forage technologies in Latin America
- In-depth analysis of the extension system for livestock and tropical forages in Colombia and several Central American countries.
- In-depth analysis of the existing seed systems for tropical forages in Colombia and several Central American countries.
Depending on the topic CIAT offers the chance to do part of the research at their site in Colombia. For more information, please contact