Expost evaluation of the Bavarian Rural Development Program 2007-2013
Philipp Mennig
Besides the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF), the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) is the second financial instrument of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). While the EAGF covers direct payments under the first pillar of the CAP, the EAFRD forms the integral element of the second pillar. The central concern of the EAFRD is the promotion of the development of rural areas in the European Union (EU) for the funding period 2007 to 2013.
So-called "development programmes for rural areas" form the basis for the implementation of measures initiated in the course of EAFRD. In Germany the design of such programmes is decentralized and falls to the federal states. However, central German government planning provides the main guidelines. The Bavarian programme for the period 2007-2013 was called "Bayerisches Zukunftsprogramm für Agrarwirtschaft und Ländlichen Raum" (BayZAL).
With a total budget of around € 3.5 billion originating from EU, governmental and federal state funds, a range of support measures were offered in order to strengthen the competitiveness of the agricultural, forestry and food industry, to reward environmental services in agriculture and forestry and to promote integrated rural development. With the end of the programme period, the Chair will evaluate various support measures in the interdisciplinary research project "Expost evaluation of the Bavarian Rural Development Programme 2007-2013". The evaluation at the Chair focuses on agri-environmental measures. It basically comprises the following issues:
- review of the intervention logic
- development of indicators and selection of appropriate methods for identifying and evaluating outcomes and impacts of the support measures
- empirical surveys among farmers and advisors by making use of social research methods
- analysis of the implementation modalities
- detection of recommendations for management and policy
A close cooperation with both programme planners and project partners ensures a targeted evaluation.
Funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forestry (StMELF).