
We are pleased to welcome Maria Vrachioli in our team.

Veronika Hannus presents her work about the acceptance of sustainability standards in the weekly research seminar

On May 9, Veronika Hannus will talk about her research results concerning sustainability standards in German agriculture in the research seminar.  Date and place: 9/5/2018, 11-12 am, seminar room PuR Presenter: Veronika Hannus Title: Akzeptanz von Nachhaltigkeitsstandards – Ergebnisse eines…

We are pleased to welcome Maya Flekstad in our team.

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Research seminar begins with a presentation entitled "An implementation of the calibration approach for estimators at regional level” on 2/5/2018

As in previous semesters, researchers of the chair will present their work in the PuR research seminar on a weekly basis. On May, 2, Lucian Stanca will talk about a new estimation technique to determine and forecast the income of farmers reported in the Bavarian Agricultural Report. The PuR…

We are pleased to welcome Dr. Benjamin in our team

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Chair explores interactions between society, land use, ecosystem services and biodiversity in the new joint project BLIZ

How will ecosystem services and biodiversity in Bavaria develop until the year 2100? The interdisciplinary joint project BLIZ takes an outlook to the future and develops new scenarios for sustainable management of ecosystems. Taking an innovative and interdisciplinary approach, scientists from the…

Professor Sauer visits CCAFS and Delhi School of Economics to strengthen cooperation in research

New publication: Castellari, E.; Soregaroli, C.; Venus, T. J.; Wesseler, J. "Food processor and retailer non-GMO standards in the US and EU and the driving role of regulations". Food Policy

New research project: Chair evaluates the productivity in the life sciences

For universities, there is no lack of key figues. Scientific performance is measured, evaluated and compared in rankings on a regular basis. However, not a lot is known about the efficiency of research at universities. The key figures do not give clues as to the resource use of scientists in the…

Prof. Heißenhuber receives Bavarian Environment Award

On February 23, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Alois Heißenhuber received the Bavarian Environment Award. The Bavarian Environment Award is conferred by the BUND Naturschutz Bayern e.V. since 1970 to prominent figures and organisations that made significant contributions in environmental protection. Prof.…