We demonstrate that popular linear fixed-effects panel-data estimators are biased and inconsistent when applied in a discrete-time hazard setting,…
This paper combines causal mediation analysis with double machine learning to control for observed confounders in a data-driven way under a…
Health insurers receive millions of claims per year. Given that information asymmetries between the principal (insurer) and the agents (health care…
Assumptions that are sufficient to identify local average treatment effects (LATEs) generate necessary conditions that allow instrument validity to be…
We examine heterogeneity in the effect of poor financial circumstances on attention. Our analysis uses data from an experiment, which randomly…
We investigate the behavior of the Lasso for selecting invalid instruments in linear instrumental variables models for estimating causal effects of…
We study the consequences of actively raising children and simultaneously pursuing a career for mothers' health. Based on Swedish administrative data…
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) distributes vouchers for grocery shopping to around 43 million individuals across the United…
In the construction of the GMM version of the Anderson and Rubin (AR) test statistic there is the choice to use either uncentered or centered moment…
Twin births are an important instrument for the endogenous fertility decision. However, twin births are not exogenous either as dizygotic twinning is…