Prof. Sebastian Schwenen, PhD
Working Papers and Work in Progress
Price Shocks and Forward Market Liquidity (with Mats Kröger and Karsten Neuhoff).
Strategic Ability and Corporate Carbon Emissions (with Moritz Bohland).
Nuclear and Renewable Energy: Friends or Foes? (with Chloé le Coq).
Renewable Energy and Equilibrium Hedging in Electricity Forward Markets, with Karsten Neuhoff, The Energy Journal, forthcoming.
Local Energy Markets, with Pio Baake and Christian von Hirschhausen, The Journal of Industrial Economics 71, no. 3 (2023): 855-882.
Hiring Lucky CEOs, with Mario Amore, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 2022.
Renewable Auctions: Bidding for Real-Options, with David Matthäus and David Wozabal, European Journal of Operational Research, 291, no. 3: 1091-1105, 2021.
Financial Contracts as Coordination Device, with Chloé le Coq, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 29(2), 241-259, 2020.
Policy Reports and Invited Contributions